What Are FingerWeights?

FingerWeights apply the basic principles of progressive resistance training as a means to increase gentle range of motion, endurance, flexibility, dexterity, precision, and overall strength. Both the Original and Universal provide proprioceptive and kinesthetic input so the person can better sense the position of their fingers and the movement of their fingers.

Under the guidance of a healthcare professional, FingerWeights can be part of a therapeutic program to treat a number of disorders of the hands and fingers and as part of a post-surgical rehab program. People with stroke, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, Parkinson’s Disease, and other medical conditions affecting finger strength, coordination, and proprioception can benefit from FingerWeights.

Along with the more obvious health and wellness aspects, musicians, athletes, and gamers, looking for that edge, will also benefit from utilizing FingerWeights to increase endurance, flexibility, dexterity, precision, gentle range of motion, and overall strength.

Training with FingerWeights WILL improve Training with FingerWeights WILL NOT
Strength Increase Talent Level
Endurance Increase Muscle Mass
Dexterity Make Fingers Feel Heavy Post-Use
Range of Motion